Contract Law

Legal Contracts And Documents Lawyer

Do All Business Owners Need Contract Lawyers?

We all have gaps in our experiences and skill sets. Unfortunately, many of us don’t recognize these gaps until we’ve suffered some kind of loss. While some people may believe this kind of spontaneity is the spice of life, leaving yourself open to this kind of threat puts your livelihood in danger.

Your business's success isn’t by happenstance, and neither is its protection. Being the boss requires a lot of work and sacrifice. Laying a strong foundation for your company includes having the proper protections in place. Of course, building a legacy will take time, resources, and the perfect location.

The only way to honor that kind of meticulous planning is by implementing safety measures. You’ll need the correct type of contracts and legal agreements to cover today, tomorrow, and beyond. It’s your business, and it deserves to be protected.

Solutions That Cater To Creatives, Entrepreneurs, And Everyone In Between

Founded by a creative, The Das Law Firm in Irving, TX, fills the void that many entrepreneurs and content creators find themselves looking for. Whether you are seeking help for initial start-up contracts or your current business agreements could use some much-needed TLC, Attorney Das is the contracts lawyer for you.

Combining creativity and hard-earned legal experience, Attorney Das leads with her drive to help others succeed. The support and guidance you need for your business can only be provided by a renowned legal contracts and documents lawyer. Licensed in Texas, Oklahoma, and California, Attorney Das has been able to help clients all over the US with their contracts and legal agreement needs.

Are Contract Agreements Overwhelming You?

You may be starting a new project or considering a new angle that could expand your brand. Regardless of your current business position, having the right attorney for legal agreements is crucial to your success.

If you’ve found yourself wondering if you’re fully protected, chances are you aren’t. To put your mind at ease, scheduling a one-on-one consultation with The Das Law Firm is a great move.

Often, people think that contract lawyers are unnecessary for their overall business, but this way of thinking is dangerous. For a moment, you’ll need to leave behind the DIY mentality and bring in a heavyweight who knows precisely what they’re doing.

It isn’t the threats that you see coming that hinder or erode your business. Typically, it is the one thing you don’t consider that cripples your success, putting your reputation and business in jeopardy.

Get Ahead Of Those “What If” Thoughts

If you have a dedicated and accomplished legal contracts and documents lawyer such as Attorney Das by your side, your attention will inevitably be on ensuring your business is run correctly. You’ll be focused on planning your next product or service rollout instead of drowning in a sense of overwhelm.

The Das Law Firm will help you navigate contract law to suit your business needs. Small business entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, content creators, and influencers serve niche markets. However, there is one common need amongst all businesses: transparent and honest legal protections.

Schedule A One-On-One Consultation With The Das Law Firm Today!

There’s plenty of good luck circumventing your business decisions. Being in the right place at the right time can make or break profits for a quarter or so. However, relying on “maybe it will, maybe it won’t” as a business strategy is irresponsible.

Your business operations deserve the same kind of care and attention that your business brand gets. A contract law attorney can help you protect all aspects of your business. Get in touch with The Das Law Firm by calling (214) 307-9868 and schedule a consultation today.

Contracts You Might Need For Your Business

A “Project Order” lays out all the details such as timeframe, payment, deliverables, and deadlines in regards to a specific project. Without a project order, both parties often experience missed expectations due to there not being clearly stated guidelines for referencing.

Bloggers, influencers, website owners, and others using the internet and/or social media to promote products are required to disclose their relationship with the brands, products, and/or platforms they promote.

A Statement of Work outlines the parties’ expectations around: payment methods, who will own the content created and how it will be allowed to be used, how disputes will be resolved, and so many more important issues.

The Statement of Work often refers to a Project Scope or Schedule that will include more of the project details. Both are important to ensure the parties understand their obligations, duties, and rights within the agreement.

An Operating Agreement is a crucial document that should be included when setting up a limited liability company. The document is the governing document when it comes to decision-making (financial and functional) for the LLC. Without this agreement signed by each member of the LLC, your business and any disputes is run by the default rules of your state.

Employment agreements are necessary for the protection of the employer and the employee. Employers need to protect their business and trade secrets, while employees need job stability and a guarantee of salary and/or benefits.

If you own a trademark and plan to allow other parties to use your name, it is important to set the expectations and quality control elements in a formal licensing agreement.

Sometimes, after you obtain trademark registration, you may be approached by a party that seeks to register a mark that is similar to yours. If you choose to allow it and do not have concerns about customer confusion as to both names, you can agree to enter into a Trademark Coexistence Agreement. You may also be the party requesting the Coexistence Agreement if you find a party in a clearance search that you want to approach for their “blessing” and agreement not to sue you if you use the mark.

If a business can be compared to a human body, contracts are its bones. They hold up the company, protect its most vital organs, and extend throughout every aspect of the business…and things go terribly wrong when they break.

Even a minor flaw in a contract can have devastating consequences, which is why it is usually preferable to work with an attorney rather than risk trying to do it all yourself. This article will help business builders and entrepreneurs understand the danger of handling contracts by themselves and the advantages of working with an attorney, including:

  • Why customization is so important in legal contracts for any business.
  • Two common dispute types that can be avoided through effective and professional contract creation and review.
  • What to do when a party breaches or breaks their contract (and why you need a lawyer to do it). Read More

Disclaimers protect your business against legal liability by ensuring that you will not be held responsible for any injuries or damages based on someone’s use of your website.

Terms of Use on your website can establish your intellectual property rights, appropriate user behavior and determine how legal disputes will be handled.

If you collect any personal information from users, many laws, including international laws, require you to include a privacy policy on your website that explains in detail how you gather and store data.

The terms of use for a mobile application explain the rules, requirements, restrictions, and limitations that users must abide by in order to use a mobile application. It is a binding contract between you and the user, so it is crucial to have this in place so your users cannot misuse your app.

If you have an idea and you are approaching developers or contractors about building your concept out, you need to ensure there is an NDA in place BEFORE you disclose your ideas. NDA’s are also used in any situation in which sensitive and confidential information needs to be protected.

Most small businesses cannot afford full-time employees. Therefore, it is crucial that your independent contractor agreement, in fact, allows you to classify your vendor as an Independent Contractor. There are clauses and factors that can weigh in favor of finding that the vendor was actually an employee, resulting in fines and penalties based on that classification. Therefore, it is crucial that you have a valid independent contractor agreement.

How it works

  • We’ll unpack the pain points you’re experiencing in business as a result of not having the correct contracts.
  • We’ll create your contracts to resolve conflicts in your business and to prevent common disputes.
  • We’ll take time to review the contracts so you can have a solid understanding of what each clause means and why it’s necessary for helping you confidently focus on reaching your goals in your business.

Book a Consultation

On our call, we’ll discuss your business model and the pain points you are experiencing. If it feels like we’re a good fit for working together, you’ll receive a contract to sign, and an estimate of the hours that will go into completing our first project. Once that is signed, our work begins!

After this first consultation call, the hourly rate for legal contact work is $350 per hour.

If we discover your needs will be better met by another professional (legal or otherwise), I will do my best to introduce you to someone who can provide that support.

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